Deeper Land Sanctuary

Living in True Relationship

We are a sanctuary for humans and non-humans ​alike located in Alentejo in southern Portugal. ​We are part of a bigger project called Coração ​da Mãe Terra which envisions to regenerate 40 ​hectars of beautiful cork oak land.

Imagine a place...

Where we realise the

non-difference between

humans and non-humans

Where animals live

with their own integri​ty

Where humans and

non-humans can

heal and simply be

Modern Short Burst Frame Thin Outline

Animals, plants, rocks and all ​the elements are not lesser or ​even different in their ​fundamental nature than we ​are.

How can we get in touch with ​this? Through silence, ​stillness and observation.


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We endeavor, as much as ​possible, to provide a living​ space for our animals to be​ truly themselves and to serve​ all their needs to blossom and​ to live their full potential.​ Freeing the animal from​ conditioned behaviour and​ restoring them to their natural​ integrity.​


Doodle Swirl Sun
Modern Short Burst Frame Thin Outline

We all need a place to rest, to ​stop, to breathe and to just ​be ourselves. Free from ​shoulds and should nots. Free ​to laugh, to dance, to sing, to ​cry and to talk.


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“We are dedicated to discovering, preserving and ​promoting the sacredness of true-relationship ​between humans and non-humans. Our foundation​s are respect, trust, cooperation and the recognitio​n that ultimately the essence of all relationship i​s Love.​”

Deeper Land Sanctuary


Living in True ​Relationship

The Deeper Land is a sanctuary dedicated to ​discovering, preserving and promoting the ​sacredness of true relationship between humans ​and non-humans. Its foundations are respect, ​trust, cooperation and the recognition that ​ultimately the essence of all relationship is Love.

At the deeper Land Sanctuary, we strongly believe ​that the integrity of non-humans and of all life ​must not be harmed. To our best ability, we are ​committed in providing conditions for our ​residents to have their physical, emotional and ​spiritual needs met. We value and intend to serve ​the inherent dignity of each living being, in being ​who they are. When given a chance to live ​undisturbed and content, non humans radiate a ​soft, peaceful and loving stillness, a depth of ​presence that is an expression of the mystery of ​their own being.

As we are drawn into this natural contemplation ​with them, we may discover a deeper dimension ​of who we are as that very same stillness and ​presence….There is a secret in the radical ​simplicity and silence of such meeting that can ​break open our hearts.

More than ever, we need places where conscious ​reconciliation between species is possible, and ​where healing within ourselves and in relationship ​can take place. More than ever, we need such ​beacons of light in the dark time we are living.

Meet the team

The humans

Joel & Sandra

The pack

Bruno & Filou

The herd

Balu, Calice, Sioux & Harmony


When Harmony was highly pregnant she lived with gypsies who ​tied her up behind a cart, pulling her from town to town wanting ​to sell her. The strain was too much for her body and her belly ​muscles ripped apart as the intestines fell out of their place. She ​still managed to give birth, although the baby drank her infected ​milk and died. Vets didn´t give Harmony much chance of survival ​but she´s an utter fighter, she not only survived but is thriving ​despite her bodily challenges.

Harmony jumps and runs and kicks and is now living her best life ​with her soulmate Balu on the Sanctuary. Harmony doesn’t want ​pity but needs to be met with respect and strength as this is ​what she herself embodies.


Balu is the male in our group of females and an experienced ​leader. He´s a purebred Lusitano who unfortunately came from a ​breeder who´s known to be brutal, several scars on his nose tell ​that story. Because of this he learnt to mistrust people and was ​always in alert, and ready to stand up for himself. However he ​found a great companion with his previous human guardian, but ​sadly they had an accident together and she no longer could ​take care of Balu and searched for a good home for him. We are ​very happy to have Balu on our team now as he´s incredibly ​sensitive and a great teacher. He´s also a sovereign horse that ​demands respect. Balu has changed a lot since his arrival in ​December ´23 and has become much more open, trusting and ​happy to be around people. He often comes and chooses a ​person to be with, comes close and shares his deep wisdom.


Calice is a dutch Warmblood with no abusive back ground that ​we know of. She lived together with Sioux before coming to us ​and was used for jumping and trail rides. Because of her riding ​history, she has some stiffness in her hind legs that we´d like to ​treat with physio therapy sessions. Calice is not only utterly ​beautiful like her name suggests, but also our dear companion ​that we can rely upon when we need to move the herd or to ​have patience for something. Calice is big and magnificient with ​a lot of fire and yet she is also very gentle and your best buddy. ​She helps you assert your boundaries - if she feels you to be ​weak, she might just walk all over you.


Sioux is our grandma. She also lived with the gypsies for many ​years and was used as a birthing machine. She is blind in her left ​eye and has several scars across her body that we dont know ​where they came from. She has a scar in the middle of her ​forehead which is why we call her “Unicorn” because it looks like ​she´s lost the spiral horn. Besides that she also has the beautiful ​and mystical qualities of a unicorn. Sioux needs the most care ​from us as she experiences more and more challenges with her ​body, we´d love to be able to treat her through regular physio ​therapy and natural supplements. Sioux is a wild and gentle soul ​who is often found standing quietly in a meditative state. If you ​take the time to be with her, she has the ability to draw you into ​a natural meditation and contemplation of life. She´s a strong ​character knowing what she wants and would do anything for a ​good ear scratch.

Sponsor a horse with a monthly donation and as a ​thank you you will receive:

  • with 5 EUR/month a digital picture certificate of ​your chosen horse friend
  • with 10-20 EUR/month a printed and signed ​picture of your chosen horse friend
  • with 30 EUR or more/month a printed and ​signed picture of your chosen horse friend + ​free entry to our yearly open day with a ​vegetarian/vegan lunch included

How you can support us


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The Deeper Land Sanctuary is​ a paradise here on earth! A pla​ce where humans and non-hum​an beings can thrive and be in the​ir full potential. Never have I felt​ a place so full of magic and beaut​y!

- Jessica B.

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The sanctuary is a unique place where one ​can stop and dive into the wonderful world of ​relationship with non humans and everything ​they have to teach us by simply being ​themselves, by simply being.

There is so much to learn from and to heal in ​these relationships that one cannot ​emphasise enough how important and ​urgently needed a place like this one is.

The land is a gem and its guardians are ​inspiring and dedicated human beings giving ​everything for the sake of their mission

- Bernard E.

Knowing Sandra and Joel for several years, I'm ​very touched by their consistency, ​dedication, knowledge and deep love for the ​horses, dogs and all living beings. Every time I ​visit them in Alentejo I learn and I feel ​immersed in a very tangible depth of being ​simply sitting on the sacred land of the ​Sanctuary next to those big gracious animals. ​Deeper Land Sanctuary is a truly inspiring ​project, and a profound service to all of the ​natural world. Thank you!

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- Sasha E.

One of the factors we realized we needed on ​meeting with the horses, is time. We´re often so ​busy in our day to day life that when we come to ​them, just for a moment, it is difficult to drop into ​their field. If we give the time then a space opens up ​in which we are more receptive towards them

Deeper Land Sanctuary

Together we can make a difference...

Visit us

Support us

Experience the ​magic and beauty ​of the Deeper Land ​Sanctuary

  • Join us for a day or afternoon and get an ​introduction into our vision and work with ​the animals and the land. This includes a ​guided “meditation” with the horses where ​there´s the potential to drop into their state ​of being.

  • In the near future we will offer the possibility ​for you to spend the night, book a retreat ​weekend with us or do your own solitary ​retreat on the sacred land of Coraçao da ​Mãe Terra. Get in touch with us for more ​information and possibilities

When people come to visit we share our vision ​of the Deeper Land Sanctuary, but most of all ​we let the horses speak for themselves. These ​pictures say more than a thousand words about ​the love and peace that is emanating from these ​beautiful beings. Many have told us how they ​can feel the presence and essence of the ​horses, and how it´s a privilege to be around ​them. We couldn´t agree more, and are looing ​forward to making the Sanctuary available to as ​many people as possible.

One of the factors we realized we needed on ​meeting with the horses, is time. We´re often so ​busy in our day to day life that when we come to ​them, just for a moment, it is difficult to drop ​into their field. If we give the time then a space ​opens up in which we are more receptive ​towards them. When we are more quiet within ​and without and we sit or stand next to the

horses while they’re eating or doing their thing, ​they tend to be drawn to us. They´ll often stop ​what they are doing and start to join us in simply ​being. These are magical moments as they´re ​doing it out of their free will and because they ​want to be with us. We´re starting to see that it´s ​not only us benefiting from being with them, but ​they also love to be around us when we are still ​and at peace.

Deeper land

1 year ​aniversary

We have a vision ...

will you help us make

it​ come true?​

Heart Shape

We need your help to pursue our vision and to ​develop the sancturay.

If you feel inspired by what we are doing there ​are several ways how you can support us.

Our biggest mission right now is called:

50 goes 10

As a first step we want to have the basic daily expe​nses of the horses covered, which amounts to​ around 500 Euros a month.

Imagine if we h​a​ve 50 people who sponsor one of our horses wi​th 10 Euros a month! Or a mixture of peopl​e who give 5 Euros and some who give more.

Quickly we could​ reach our goal!

Could you be on​e​ of them?

Organic Handdrawn Anniversary Pink Solid Heart

Every supporter can have access to a WhatsApp ​group to get updates to the Sanctuary and how ​the 50 goes 10 campaign is going. Please get in ​touch to get added to the WhatsApp group.

How does it work?

You choose the horse you want to support and ​set up a monthly standing order with your bank.

Afterwards write us an e-mail with the monthly ​donation amount and the horse you have ​chosen to support and we will send you your ​thank you gift.

Everybody who sponsors a horse with a ​monthly donation will get:

  • with 5 EUR/month a digital picture ​certificate of your chosen horse friend
  • with 10-20 EUR/month a printed and ​signed picture of your chosen horse friend
  • with 30 EUR or more/month a printed and ​signed picture of your chosen horse friend + ​free entry to our yearly open day with a ​vegetarian/vegan lunch included

For your monthly or one time donation you can ​transfer directly to our sanctuary account. We ​are planning to become an official non-profit ​organisation in the future, but we´re not quite ​there yet.

If you make monthly contributions make sure ​to activate a standing order. Banks in ​European countries give this possibility for ​free. It is called ordens permanentes in ​portuguese.

Bank transfer to:

Account holder: Sandra Baillergeau

IBAN: ES49 0073 0100 5607 8657 6844

For monthly standing orders please send us ​the receipt or the transfer details to ​

50 goes 10 is just our initial ​campaign. We´ll need more funding ​to realise other projects like

  • building a shelter for hay
  • buying seeds to grow hay
  • fencing material
  • funds to support more animals

please get in touch if you want to ​invest in our vision with a larger sum

Other ways of supporting us:

  • Do a one time donation. Every euro helps to make our vision come true!
  • Volunteer with us
  • Write a testimonial about your experience with the Sanctuary
  • Web design/Graphic design
  • Marketing
  • Sell some of your things that you dont need and donate the earnings to us
  • Are you an artist or sell goods/services? Sell some of your work as a cause ​to support us. People love to know they spent money for a good cause!
  • Any other idea?

Get in touch with us if you want to support us in any of the above options :)

Love Sandra and Joel

Hand Drawn Heart

Follow us on social media for regular updates and ​stories from the Deeper Land Sanctuary

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Deeper Land Sanctuary

Your Deeper Land Team

Joel & Sandra

Bruno & Filou

Balu, Calice, Harmony and Sioux

We are located in Abela (Santiago ​do Cacem) Portugal

To visit us please write an e-mail ​or get in touch via social media

fo​llow us

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